Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is This Christianity Today? ANCIENT-FUTURE Holy Ways or Heresies?

The above photographs are in order of appearance (left to right): Robert Webber, Father John Neuhaus, Richard Foster,  and Father Peter Gillquist and Chuck Colson.
What do these men have in common? For one thing, they are all editors for the magazine, Christianity Today. What else do they have in common? That we shall see in this article!

The main purpose of this blog is to reveal how this 'Matrix-like' world is perpetrating lies, illusions, deceptions, misguided information, etc. in all spheres of life, be they political, social, religious, and what not.

In reviewing materials regarding the Emergent Church Movement, I recalled an article written by The Berean Call, and when I re-read it, I wanted to use it for reference material, but found that every paragraph, every sentence was so RELEVANT that I decided to post it here unedited. I will interject my own comments in green.
This article shows the deception of the so-called legitimacy of the ancient church fathers, and their practices as something that is 'needful', 'essential', something that the church today is 'lacking'. This idea conveys that we are somehow deficient without these things, when in fact, these are mystical, occult practices of darkness, of which we as Christians should have nothing to do with!

Read this article and decide for yourself -

Another related topic that I will cover in an upcoming article is that of contemplative prayer, something that is taking the evangelical church by storm, but is essentially eastern mysticism dressed up in Roman Catholic and Orthodox clothing, and is being adapted for those in formerly biblical churches and societies, with no small amount of promotion from the likes of Richard Foster (Founder of the Renovare Institutue) and Robert E. Webber.

Without any further delay, here is TBC's article - Ancient Future Heresies: Feb. 28, 2008

Here's an idea. Let's go back through historical church eras and glean from such time periods those issues deemed to be of value in the development of the Christian faith. Let's review the first-century church, the church between A.D. 100 and 600, then consider the medieval era (A.D. 700 to 1500), followed by the Reformation period (A.D. 1500 and later), and so on. To be effective in this endeavor, it's important to have a good understanding of the cultural context in which the Christians of each era practiced their faith. In addition, we'll need to study the Church Fathers and gain the insights they provided.

Why? Well, those who are promoting this "re-presenting the past" believe that today's Christianity will greatly benefit as it "re-invents itself" in order to effectively bring the message of the gospel to the postmodern world. If you think this may not be a good idea, you could be labeled a "traditionalist," one whose faith and practice is inflexible and out of touch with our rapidly changing culture-and church. That's the view that Christianity Today (CT) has of what's going on in evangelical Christianity.
You may consider me a traditionalist then, because the Gospel has always been effective every where its been proclaimed, in every era of our history, when accomplished by the parameters set down by the LORD Jesus Himself and His apostles! Romans 1:16 states it quite plainly:

ROM 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Note that its the power of God that accomplishes this work: since when did God in His almighty power ever need our assistance in "re-inventing Christianity" in order to more effectively bring the message of the Gospel??

In introducing its February 2008 feature article with a cover-page declaration, "Lost Secrets of the Ancient Church: How evangelicals started looking backward to move forward," CT senior managing editor Mark Galli writes:

You might say a number of CT editors have a vested interest in this issue's cover story. David Neff, Ted Olsen, Tim Morgan, and I have been doing the ancient-future thing for many years, at Episcopal and/or Anglican parishes. And if this were not enough immersion in the topic, in his spare time, David Neff heads up the Robert E. Webber Center for an Ancient Evangelical Future, founded by the father of the ancient-future movement.
Acknowledging the magazine's inherent (and historic) bias, Galli notes that "the ancient church has captivated the evangelical imagination for some time [yet] it hasn't been until recently that it's become an accepted fixture of the evangelical landscape. And this is for the good" (emphasis added). That, of course, is Galli's opinion and, sadly, a growing multitude of influential Christian leaders agree.

This most certainly is an indictment against the evangelical church, if by evangelical one understands that the church has leaned wholly on the scriptures alone for doctrine and conduct in all things regarding church and godly life in Christ Jesus! Sola Scriptura (scripture alone) is no longer the theme of the Christian church today... its godless ecumenism, a work of humanism, and well nigh a deification of human belief, imagination, and dogma!

Robert E. Webber, who died last year, is certainly the "father of the ancient-future movement," and his many books have provided encouragement and content for leaders of Emerging Church fellowships. As a Wheaton College professor for three decades, he also played a significant part in influencing that evangelical institution's capitulation to ecumenism, particularly its support of Roman Catholicism (see TBC 7/02, 6/02 by T.A. on ECT at Wheaton).

Webber wrote in his book, Ancient-Future Faith: Rethinking Evangelicalism for a Postmodern World, "Currently, Western society is in a transition from the modern world to a postmodern world... shifting us toward the affirmation of new values...resulting in a whole new culture and rais[ing] new questions about the way a biblical Christianity is to be understood and communicated."1

Affirmation of new values as a result of shifting into a postmodern world? Postmodernism is a euphemism for apostasy and a denigration of the whole counsel of God as represented by the scriptures. Postmodernism questions (". . . raising new questions . . ."??) the validity of scripture and scriptural accounts as 'myths' and 'shared stories' rather than accounts of the truth, and of doctrinal truth!

The solution for Christianity to be viable in this cultural transition, Webber contends, is to "recover the universally accepted framework of faith that originated with the apostles, was developed by the [Church] Fathers, and has been handed down by the church in its liturgical and theological traditions."2

This Church Fathers' "framework of faith," along with "its liturgical and theological traditions" is found primarily, according to Webber, in the era of "Classic Christianity," between A.D. 100 and 600. And it was to that church age that most of the speakers at the 2007 Wheaton Theology Conference on "The Ancient Faith for the Church's Future" sang their praises. CT describes what took place at the Billy Graham Center in the Cliff Barrows Auditorium, including taking the audience through prayers from the Gelasian Sacramentary Book of Sacraments of the Church of Rome), a fifth-century book of Catholic liturgy containing the priest's instructions for celebrating the Eucharist and recommending them for worship in today's Protestant churches.

One speaker promoted the Catholic "medieval fourfold hermeneutic," which emphasizes the nonliteral interpretation of the Bible, and another "gleefully passed on the news" to this highly receptive crowd "that Liberty University had observed the liturgical season of Lent."

The non-literal interpretation of God's Word was first suggested as a modus operandi by Origen, a supposed early Church Father and a Gnostic! Gnosticism is anti-thetical to sound biblical exegesis (the study of what the Bible says in its original languages) and is heavily steeped in occult and mysticism!

The writer of the article then asks, "Had Catholics taken over?" in this former bastion of conservative evangelicalism. His answer is NO! This Wheaton College conference was simply evangelicals looking to the past for "rich biblical, spiritual, and theological treasures to be found within the early church" as supplied by the early Church Fathers.3

Are evangelicals truly paying attention to the Church Fathers? University professor D. H. Williams, author of Evangelicals and Tradition, substantiated "the recent upsurge of evangelical interest in patristics (the study of the Church Fathers): 'Who would have thought, a decade ago, that one of the most vibrant and serious fields of Christian study at the beginning of the 21st century would be the ancient church fathers? There has been an opening of new avenues...[created] by the almost overnight popularity of bishops and monks, martyrs and apologists, philosophers and historians who first fashioned a Christian culture 1,500 years ago.'"4

I submit that what these fashioned was not a Christian culture, but a culture akin to Pergamos, that ancient Roman/Greek city where every religious system available was amalgamated into a 'hodge-podge' of do-it-yourself-religion, that admittedly had a strong Christian influence in it, but added that which are unequivocally NON-ESSENTIALS! Remember, that when you add to the TRUTH, you subtract from it!

Although these developments may seem shockingly new to some and seem to have sprung up overnight, Christianity Today gives some preparatory background (see also "Evangelical Mysticism?" TBC 2/08). The article quotes Robert Webber from his then controversial 1978 book Common Roots:
"My argument is that the era of the early church (A.D. 100-500), and particularly the second century, contains insights which evangelicals need to recover."

CT notes that 25 years later Webber rejoiced in his book Younger Evangelicals that they [emergent fellowships] "want to immerse themselves in the past and form a culture that is connected to the past...."
Nearly a decade earlier than Common Roots, a number of Campus Crusade leaders went on their own "recovery" of ancient liturgies, specifically from Eastern Orthodoxy. Peter Gillquist, Jack Sparks, Jon Braun, and others left Campus Crusade to form what was a forerunner of today's ancient-future-emergent movement (emphasis mine). They turned to the writings of the early Church Fathers "to practice a more liturgical form of worship than in their previous evangelical background."5

They called their movement the New Covenant Apostolic Order and, later, the Evangelical Orthodox Church.
In 1978, Quaker and CT advisory editor Richard Foster wrote Celebration of Discipline. His book, which introduced Catholic and occult meditative techniques to evangelicals, sold more than a million copies and was selected by Christianity Today as one of the top ten books of the 20th century. Foster later formed Renovaré, an organization dedicated to teaching spiritual formation through the mystical beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Desert Fathers. Eugene Peterson (CT editor), author of the very popular paraphrased Bible, The Message, was the New Testament editor of the Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible.

These developments are foundational to today's Emerging Church phenomenon and indicate that such roots will carry it well beyond its merely being a fad among today's evangelical youth. More recent support (noted in last month's TBC) is the change in attitude among evangelicals toward Roman Catholicism fostered by "Evangelicals & Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium," an endeavor of Chuck Colson and Father Richard John Neuhaus (both CT editors) and the stunning success (thanks to evangelicals) of Mel Gibson's extremely Catholic The Passion of the Christ
Is any of this "for the good," as Christianity Today declares?

Let's both reason from the Scriptures, and simply be reasonable (ISAIAH 1:18).

The Ancient-Future search to discover gems from "Classic Christianity" comes up short by a century -- the century in which the New Testament was written. The critical difference should be obvious. The writers of the New Testament were inspired by the Holy Spirit (emphasis added) as they penned God's Word (2 TIM 3:16; 2 PET 1:21, 22).

What writings from A.D. 100 and later can claim such inspiration? None. But we're told that some were disciples of or lived at the time of the apostles. True, but proximity to the apostles is hardly a guarantee against heresy nor does it come close to inspiration. Furthermore, much of the first-century-written New Testament reproved and corrected errors that had already entered the church!
Remember the Apostle Paul's warning to the Ephesian elders, who were certainly closer to Paul than any of the so-called Church Fathers:

ACTS 20:28-31
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.

Again, why this attraction to the ancient Church Fathers? Could any of them say with Paul,
PHIL 4:9
Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you?

We can trust his God-breathed words completely. On the other hand, it takes very little scrutiny of men like Origen, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Cyprian, Justin Martyr, Athanasius, John Chrysostom, Cyril of Jerusalem, Augustine, and others, to see their flaws, let alone their heresies. AMEN!!
For example, Origen taught that God would save everyone and that Mary was a perpetual virgin; Irenaeus believed that the bread and wine became the body and blood of Jesus when consecrated, as did John Chrysostom and Cyril of Jerusalem; Athanasius taught salvation through baptism; Tertullian became a supporter of the Montanist heresies, and a promoter of a New Testament clergy class, as did his disciple Cyprian; Augustine was the principal architect of Catholic dogma that included his support of purgatory, baptismal regeneration, and infant baptism, mortal and venial sins, prayers to the dead, penance for sins, absolution from a priest, the sinlessness of Mary, the Apocrypha as Scripture, etc.

It's not that these men got everything wrong; some, on certain doctrines, upheld Scripture against the developing unbiblical dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church.
Nevertheless, overall they are a heretical minefield. So why seek them out? (emphasis added)
Worse yet are the Desert Fathers and the Catholic mystics. Anthony the Great, known as the father of Christian monasticism, is the most revered of the Desert Fathers. According to Athanasius, the devil fought Anthony by afflicting him with boredom, laziness, and the phantoms of women, which he countered by becoming a hermit and isolating himself for years inside a tomb. He communicated with the outside world through a crevice that enabled him to receive food and to offer spiritual advice. Supposedly, the devil, upset by his holiness, would come and beat him unmercifully.

Later mystics were no less bizarre-or unbiblical. Benedictine nun Julian of Norwich, a favorite of evangelical mystic wannabes and "Christian" feminists, believed in universal salvation, that God was in all things, referred to God as "Father-Mother," and experienced intense visions of heaven and hell. Her most famous saying became a positive mental attitude mantra: "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well." Like Anthony, she had herself walled off from society, living for 20 years in a cell attached to a church, where a small window provided access to food and a view of the church altar and of the Eucharist.

Could these hermits and mystics really interest evangelicals? Christianity Today says they do. Referring to "monastic evangelicals" and the "new monasticism," an insert in its cover article observes how "growing numbers of evangelicals" are "taking their newfound love affair with Christian tradition" beyond "books and talk" and are "now experimenting with advent candles [and] sampling [Catholic] practices associated with Lent...." CT credits Richard Foster's Devotional Classics as possibly fueling this latest trend, and it notes that Brian McLaren, Tony Jones, and a number of emerging church writers have "been calling evangelicals to monastic models as a guide for the future."6
As a former Roman Catholic, I [Tom McMahon] am staggered when I see who and what Christianity Today is blatantly promoting.

Robert Webber, for example, writes in Signs and Wonders of an experience that changed his Protestant life. He received the Eucharist (allegedly the "actual body and blood of Christ under the appearance of bread and wine") while at a Catholic retreat center: "You might say I was surprised by joy!...I had never had an experience like that in my life....I had been in dialog with another worship tradition, and I was surely the richer for it"7

I likewise came from a Roman Catholic background and at one point entertained the idea of becoming a priest. That which Mr. Webber partook of, I had participated in for well over a decade before I left that church. What the Eucharist is, is a paganistic concept of one's God being transubstantiated into material substance to be consumed by the adherrant. This is what created in Mr. Webber a sense of joy and enrichment?? Please note that I harbor no hatred nor ill intentions towards any Roman Catholics, or any other religious persons. On the contrary, I have compassion on them and would desire that they come to the knowledge of the truth. The allegations made in this newsletter and in my comments are ascertainable through careful research which any one can obtain if they are truly interested in knowing truth from falsehoods. The Two Babylons by Alexander Hyslop as well as Dave Hunt's book A Woman Rides the Beast are two excellent beginning points for any researcher.

Thousands of steadfast biblical Christians were martyred for refusing that idolatrous and gospel-denying "worship tradition."
Campus Crusade leader-turned-Orthodox-priest Peter Gillquist explains the "mission" he and those who joined him are on: "Our desire is to make North America Orthodox!" As former conservative evangelicals, they believe that "if we [could] become Orthodox, then anyone in North America can!" Furthermore, due to their apologetics and evangelism training, "...we represent a strong force for Orthodox evangelization....And we know there are many others just like us who if given the time and persuasion will join the Orthodox ranks (emphasis added) just as we have."8

I find Mr. Gillquist's comment not only provocative, but also revealing! Note what he actually said: "Our desire is to make North America Orthodox!" He didn't say, 'America' or 'the United States' . . . he said North America! Why this entire region and not his home country? In my opinion, I believe its because the upcoming North American Community, and North American Union (both modeled after the European versions as aptly documented in various sources) will have a state-sanctioned religion, a 'neo-Roman Catholic/Orthodox Evangelicalism' to the exclusion of biblical Christianity, which will be outlawed!

Will this soon pass? No. It's all part of related agendas that are building the end-times apostate church (REV 13:8). Its tools are experientialism, subjectivism, mysticism, and dominionism, all of which aggressively and obstinately subvert the Word of God. They are intentionally (in some cases unwittingly) being used to work out Satan's primary scheme against God and mankind (GEN 3:1: "Yea, hath God said...?) as they undermine His Truth. Is God doing anything about it? Yes. As evidenced by what's been presented here and so much more, He is sending "strong delusion" among those who have not a "love of the truth" (2 THESS 2:10,11). AMEN!

We desperately need to heed the words of Jesus in REVELATION chapters 2-3 that give critical warnings to churches that profess to be His. To Laodicea, which very likely represents the last church age before His return, He declares.

REV 3:19-22
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Robert E. Webber, Ancient-Future Faith: Rethinking Evangelicalism for a Postmodern World (Baker Academic, 1999), 15.

Ibid., 17.

Mark Galli, "Lost Secrets of the Ancient Church," Christianity Today, February 2008, 23.

Ibid., 24.
Galli, Christianity, 28.

Robert Webber, Signs and Wonders (Nashville, TN:Star Song Publishing Group, 1992), 5.

Peter Gillquist, "Arrowhead Springs To Antioch:Odyssey To Orthodoxy," The Word, October 1987.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Evolution: True Science? Theory? LIE!

Greetings All!  

In this article I will be presenting information I received from a brother in the LORD I met online, and he understands much of what's going on in the world today, particularly where globalist forces are working relentlessly in achieving a singular, one world government in a socialist mode.

An interesting thing about socialism, and its hard core leftist version (Communism- A communist is simply a socialist with a gun, that's in a hurry) is that when they convert another nation to socialism, one of the first things they do towards that effort is indoctrinate the people with...Marxism?
No, Darwinism! Evolutionary 'theory' that is.

UPDATE as of 11-27-09
EVOLUTION Losing Ground In Classrooms -

According to an international poll released by the British Council, the majority of Americans - 60% - support teaching alternatives to evolution in the science classroom. The percentage is the same for Britons....Of course, the British media reporting this are chagrined. Britain is the birthplace of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution, and the official-sounding British Council, the UK group behind the "Darwin Now" campaign that commissioned the Ipsos MORI poll, have spent precious resources educating the world about Darwin. Now some believe the poll shows that efforts by Darwinist organizations aren't working.


UPDATE as of 5-03-10
Our Creator God don't make no 'junk'!

Exploding the Darwin-Friendly Myth of Junk DNA [Excerpts] This just in from [the strong promoter of evolution] Nature Magazine of all places (page no longer available on their web site). [Human genome at ten: Life is complicated: The more biologists look, the more complexity there seems to be. "Not that long ago, biology was considered by many to be a simple science, a pursuit of expedition, observation and experimentation."


Before a people can be subjugated to the State, there is a higher authority that must be abrogated: God. If the prevailing view of God is erased from the consciousness of the majority, if governmental policy and law doesn't acknowledge God in any way, they are then free to usurp the ultimate authority for themselves, and they become the 'granter' of "privileges" for no one is granted "inalienable rights" and certainly not granted them by God (as humanists and socialists would annul from the beliefs of the population).

So evolution is the foundation for such humanistic, socialistic systems (and much more than this besides!).

This is also why the first ten chapters of Genesis is criticized, ridiculed, disbelieved by so many, because the account of this first book of Moses would fly in the face of evolutionary beliefs, particularly the creation account. If evolutionary beliefs are maintained then the Gospel and the atoning sacrifice of the LORD Jesus Christ would also be meaningless, and irrelevant: if evolution were true, then death would have been a natural part of creation for millions, and billions of years; not the tragic loss of life via separation from God because of a fall into sin by our progenitors, father Adam, and mother Eve.

This is why it's imperative as Christians that we contend fervently for the Truth of God's Word, for acknowledging Him as Creator, and to refute evolutionary belief systems for the LIE that they are. Evolution would negate our Creator by denying the creation, it would negate our LORD as the authority of Truth and lawful ruler-ship, it would negate our Savior and our need for His supreme sacrifice as the only propitiatory hope of salvation!

Evolution is not a peripheral issue for Christians: we cannot compromise with 'half-way' theories like Theistic Evolution (more about this issue at the end of this article). We must earnestly contend for 'the faith' that has been delivered to us!

With all this said, let's have a look at what Dan Miner has to share with us:


Abiogenesis is impossible
No mechanism exists to enable evolution to occur
Evolution has not been observed
Nothing can live with incomplete parts and systems
There is no evidence of evolution
Not enough time for evolution to occur
The Bible is true

ATP Synthase
This tiny protein complex makes as energy-rich compound, ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Each of our trillions of cells performs this reaction about a million times per minute. Over half a body weight of ATP is made and consumed every day! It is a protein complex of at least 29 separately manufactured subunits fit together.

ATP is required in manufacturing DNA, RNA, proteins, clean up debris, transporting chemicals into, out of, and within cells, by the energy released by ATP separating into ADP and a phosphate atom.

ATP synthase occurs on inner membranes of bacterial cells, innermost membranes of mitochondria and chloroplasts of plants and animals.

ATP is made by combining ADP and phosphate, using Hydrogen ion (H+) gradient.
Each cell has thousands of these machines spinning at over 9,000 rpm.
Three ATP molecules are formed by 10 protons for each full rotation of the axle.

ATP is required in the process of making ATP, including over 100 enzymes/machines needed to achieve this!
The energy to create the hydrogen ion gradient comes from photosynthesis and respiration of sugars.


This word is used instead of the words ‘similar to’ only to give the impression that they evolved. Similarity is not a valid argument for Evolution, because it is due to design constraints, required for good design.

This word is used where identical proteins or DNA segments are the same between two different kinds of species. It is used to give the impression that one kind evolved from the other kind. The correct wording would be to say the items are alike. To be shared, the same atoms must exist at the same time in both creatures, which would be impossible. The reason they are alike is due to design constraints, required for good design.

When the same protein, micro system or macromolecule appear in different kinds of life forms, evolutionists say they were ‘conserved’, meaning that they were passed on to offspring during their evolutionary history. This is dishonest, because it is claiming that evolution created them.

"Micro Evolution":
This term was invented by Julian Huxley to label all small non-evolutionary events as a means to trick people into believing that evolution has occurred. The correct term would be ‘small changes’ or ‘changes during normal operational science.’

"Theory of Evolution":
Evolution is not a theory for several reasons: 

First, no scientific reason exists that would support it. 
Second, no scientific theory has ever been formed to explain how it could be possible. No book even addresses the subject of how a theory could be formed to explain how evolution could occur. 
Third, it has been scientifically proven to be impossible. Nothing impossible can be a ‘theory’. It properly should be called ‘the LIE of Evolution’, ‘the RELIGION of Evolution’ or ‘the MYTH of Evolution.’ Please refrain from calling it a theory.

"Descent with Modification":
This term is meaningless, explains nothing, and is used only for painting an illusion in your minds that Evolution occurs.

Evolutionism requires that all parts, systems, mechanisms, etc. lived and operated at every incomplete step while being built during some unknown process

They create the illusion of this being possible simply by calling incomplete systems ‘primitive.’ No micro-system can function unless it is complete, and simply imagining that incomplete micro-systems can function by calling them primitive is both dishonest and unscientific.

"Building blocks":
Evolutionists try to give the illusion that if they call proteins ‘building blocks’, that all needed for life is for the so-called ‘building blocks’ to accumulate and ‘presto!’, life will exist [Note from myself, James Fire: the single human cell is enormously, staggeringly complex and deeply involved with processes and mechanisms that it would make the activity of a major metropolis seem inert by comparison! See the article at the link provided].

Evolutionists give the illusion that their philosophy/religion is not philosophy/religion by falsely using the word ‘science’. The philosophy of Evolution has been used to replace a belief in God since the tower of Babel. Anaximander wrote about it in 460 bc. In the 1800s, the evolutionists got the idea to call their religion “science” as a trick to get it accepted.


False definitions for Evolution:
A definition in science must be precise and very clear. It must have sharp, distinct borders that include only the subjects of definition and exclude everything else. It cannot contain anything common to an opposing model.

Evolutionists use many different definitions so that they can equivocate anytime that they get backed into a corner. They will claim that everything exists because of Evolution, but if tell them that nothing could originate by chance, they’ll reply:

“Evolution is not about abiogenesis, its only about change.” Other times they’ll say the definition is only about a change in alleles over time. They’ll change the definition anytime to avoid giving answers. The only thing they will not do, however, is to give the honest definition of Evolution, the definition that fits the way the word Evolution is used and taught, which is:

“A [failed] belief that God can be replaced as The Creator.” This correct definition shows that evolutionism is atheism.

Vestigial Organs:

This argument claims that many of our organs are useless and were only used in the past when we were a different creature. One example is the appendix. For over 100 years, it has been taught that the appendix has no function, and had a different function in an evolutionary past. Since 1995, however, medical textbooks teach that the appendix is an important part of the immune system, especially for young babies. Today, we also know that the appendix is important to store important bacteria required for digestion during periods of diarrhea. Here are some quotes:

“….the appendix is now thought to be one of the sites where immune responses are initiated.” Hartenstein, Roy, Grolier Encyclopedia, 2002, Grolier Interactive Inc.

“The appendix contains masses of lymphoid tissue that may serve to resist infection.” Van De Graff & Fox, Concepts of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 1999, p. 837

“The appendix is densely populated with lymphocytes and is a significant source of immune cells.” Saladin, K., Anatomy & Physiology, McGraw Hill, 2001, p. 974.

“The mucosa and submucosa of the appendix are dominated by lymphoid nodules, and the appendix’s primary function is an organ of the lymphatic system.” Martini, F., Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, Prentice Hall, 1998, p. 899.

Another example is the coccyx. The evolutionists call it a tail bone and say that it proves we evolved from apes. The coccyx, however, is the last vertebrate and is required for the attachments of nine required muscles, two of which are required for the elimination of waste. They used to promote over 100 examples, but scientists today have revealed their functions. There is no excuse today for the evolutionists to use this fraud today.

False Examples:
This list is almost endless. Every example is always either losing information, which would be the opposite of evolution, or is outright invented fraud.

o Viruses: They don’t reproduce themselves, they are made by cells, and if the cell makes a mistake in the process, the immune system does not recognize them. They do no evolve, they remain viruses and they gain no complexity.

o Bacterial resistance: The resistance is always the result of either using existing information or losing existing information. Here are some examples:















o Sickle-cell anemia: Caused by a mutation replacing one amino acid in the hemoglobin, greatly reducing the amount of oxygen it can carry. This is the opposite of evolution, as it has lost information and function.
Even if losing information might be beneficial in some circumstances, it is still not Evolution, which is required to explain the origin of everything and not the decay of them.

Theological Arguments:

These arguments consist of saying “God would not have done it like that.” This is not scientific, but is inserting one’s world view opinion into the issue. These include imaginary faults in design or examples of destructive mutations due to the curse after the fall. Examples include:

o Blind spot in our eyes. This is the area where the optic nerve leaves the eye, but each eye compensates for the other eye, so that no loss of vision actually occurs.

o Eyes wired backwards. This is often falsely claimed, even by Oxford professor Richard Dawkins who has devoted his life to attacking God, but in reality the eyes are built in the only way possible to get 100% perfection. The inverted human retina is a superior design for vertebrates. Each design is perfectly suited for the environment the organism normally lives in. The facts are too numerous to mention, but any different design would be destructive. See the following link to show the above two assertions of evolutionists are false.

All arguments about imagined inferior designs are due either by ignorance or intentionally to get people to doubt God.

Strawman Arguments:

These arguments use as their basis false interpretations of the evidence that Creationists use. The intentionally misrepresent the Creation model in every area. Examples are:

o Genesis flood: They falsely say the flood of Noah's time would have mixed all sediments and fossils together completely before laying them down, and since the fossils are not fully mixed, then the Genesis flood could not have occurred. 

They also falsely say that millions of animals needed to be on the ark, when in reality only a few thousands would have been needed. They falsely say that Noah could not have gathered together all animals for the ark, but God said that He brought all of them to the ark. They falsely say that the ark was not large enough, when in reality studies have shown that the ark was very adequate for the all creatures and also for all needed feed.

RAY COMFORT's awesome video on NOAH, the FLOOD (and the ark)

o Presenting a picture of our Almighty God in a horrible way. (such as “a white-haired old man spoofing everything into existence). I refuse to repeat the other horrible ways they describe our God.

o They falsely accuse Adam and Eve’s family of incest. No marriage is incest unless it is forbidden by God, and God did not put the repulsion of sibling marriages in our conscience until the days of [Moses and the giving of the Law], thus, sibling marriages before them were normal and not incest. 

In the beginning, everybody had rich gene pools and no mutational load, thus, no harm in close marriages. Only after the gene pool became more depleted and the mutational load increased was it necessary for God to instill in our consciences the repulsion of sibling marriages. Remember, Evolutionists cannot be against incest, because it would be required after every evolutionary addition, since the remainder of the population had to be eliminated.

Outright Fraud:

Every statement ever used by Evolutionists to promote the lie of Evolution has been fraudulent, since no honest reason can be found to support it. They intentionally misrepresent fossil [record], intentionally falsify drawings and intentionally use old arguments which have been falsified for years.

Vicious Attacks and Slander against Creationist Scientists

Early scriptural geologists: Granville Penn (1761-1844), George Bugg (1769-1851), Andrew Ure (1778-1857), George Fairholme (1789-1846), John Murray (1786?-1851), George Young (1777-1848), William Rhind (1797-1874).
All were highly qualified scientists in geology, but were the most attacked and ignored.
Charles Lyell: He was the most influential, and led the attacks by saying of them: “wholly destitute of geological knowledge”

“incapable of appreciating the force of objections, or of discerning the weight of inductions from numerous physical facts.”

“they endeavor to point out the accordance of the Mosaic history with phenomena which they have never studied”
“every page of their writings proves their consummate incompetence.”

Andrew White said that these scriptural geologists believed that geology was “not a subject of lawful inquiry,” “a dark art,” “dangerous and disreputable,” and “a forbidden province.”
William Williamson, professor of botany in Manchester, described the work of George Young, the most geologically competent scriptural geologist, as “prejudiced rubbish.”
Others ever since: The scriptural geologists have been described as “scientifically worthless,” “scientifically illiterate Bibliolaters,: and “obscurantists.”

Thomas Chalmers: In 1804, a prominent evangelical Scottish Presbyterian theologian, at the age of 24, invented the so-called “gap theory” as an attempt to insert millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. He had no geological experience but out of ignorance, he joined in the attack against the qualified scriptural geologists Penn, Gisborne, and others.

Davis Young, A Christian geologist, progressive creationist, has falsely said that no scriptural geologist in the early to mid 1800s had any real knowledge of geology.

The Geological Society of London was established in 1807 by 13 wealthy, cultured gentlemen who lacked much in geological knowledge but was dominated by men who held the old age [of Earth] view.


Today it’s almost impossible to get scientific facts into the classroom that is against Evolution. The 14 major textbook publishers have stated that they will not even read the manuscript for a textbook if written by a Creationist. Teachers will be removed if it is found out that they are teaching any scientific fact that is against the lie of Evolution. Colleges today follow what they call the “ABC” rule—anything but a Christian. Students known to be a Creationist will usually be denied a PhD degree. Tenure, grants and promotions are usually restricted to Evolutionists.


Evolutionists want no debates, no discussions and no publicity about this issue. They do not want people to know that a large number of scientists do not believe in Evolution. They always lie and say that all scientists believe in Evolution.

They put pressure on the News-Gazette to reject most of my letters now. They have a rule nationwide to never debate a Creationist. Eugenie Scott, director of the National Center for Science Education Defending The Teaching of Evolution in Public Schools, urges Evolutionists to avoid debates with Creationists, as they will lose.

She then says that if you do debate a Creationist to don’t try to defend Evolution, but instead to attack the Creation model, then she lists fraudulent strawman arguments.

Use Liberal Preachers:

This has always been one of evolutionist’s strongest weapons. They get apostate preachers to testify for them against Creationists which is very effective.

Under these various disciplinary schools, both Secular Humanism (S.H.) and Biblical Christianity (B.C.) have their points of view: they are listed here for your consideration-

Under the disciplinary school of Theology:
S.H. - Atheism B.C. - Theism

Under the disciplinary school of Philosophy:
S.H. - Naturalism B.C. - Supernaturalism


S.H. - Relativism B.C. - Absolutes

S.H. - Evolution B.C. - Creation

S.H. - Self-Actualization B.C. - Spirit-Mind/Body

S.H. Non-traditional Family B.C. - Traditional Family

S.H. - Positive Law B.C. - Biblical & Natural Law

S.H. - World Government B.C. - Justice, Freedom

S.H. - Socialism B.C. - Stewardship of Property

S.H. - Historical evolution B.C. - Historical Resurrection
(revisionism) (documented artifacts)

For your further consideration please feel free to explore these web sites dealing with Creationist ideology as they pertain to Biblical truth and documented evidence as it appears in nature:

One last note to make (from myself, James Fire):

If the Restorationists and Dominionists have their way, all the world will be Christianized (the thesis), which doesn't necessarily mean the world will be converted to Biblical Christianity, merely that the Christian church will become so dominant that everyone will adhere to Christian principles of living.

If on the other hand, Atheists and Humanists have their way, all the world will become rationalistic in their world view, and abandon religion and religious books altogether (the anti-thesis); science and the rule of man over mankind will be the standard of life.

Yet scripture teaches us that in the last days, the Beast will rise to power and people will worship him as "God". This idea of 'worship' and 'God' contradicts the hopeful world view and the prospects of atheists. At the same time, what will be worshipped will be a man indwelt by Satan, the very "father of lies" that scripture speaks of, hardly a 'Christianized' world (including lies such as evolution [or as I am fond of spelling it 'evilution']).

What will transpire in the last days will be a synthesis of these two opposites:

THEISTIC EVOLUTION - That is, God using evolution as the means to prompt the creationary process. By this means, the fulfillment of Satan's promise to mankind of acheiving 'godhood' remains intact by such supposedly evolutionary processes, yet at the same time, he can claim supreme godhood himself and coerce the worship of this world's citizens.

May we stand boldly for the TRUTH in all things, and may the LORD Jesus bless our efforts by His Spirit.

~~ brother James

Kent Hovind takes 1 HR and 47 minutes to explain why:

UPDATE- 11/14/09 -

November 13, 2009

The Demise of Another Evolutionary Link: Archaeopteryx Falls From Its Perch

[Excerpts] A few days ago we saw Ida fall from her overhyped status as an ancestor of humans. Now some scientists are claiming that Archaeopteryx should lose its status as an ancestor of modern birds.

Calling Archaeopteryx an "icon of evolution," the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) borrows a term from Jonathan Wells while reporting that "[t]he feathered creature called archaeopteryx, easily the world's most famous fossil remains, had been considered the first bird since Charles Darwin's day.

When researchers put its celebrity bones under the microscope recently, though, they discovered that this icon of evolution might not have been a bird at all" (Hotz, "Bye Bye Birdie: Famed Fossil Loses Avian Perch," The Wall Street Journal, page A1, October 23, 2009).

According to the new research, inferences about growth rates made from studies of Archaeopteryx's ancient fossilized bones show it developed much more slowly than modern birds. While the WSJ is reporting these doubts about Archaeopteryx's ancestral status as if they were something new, those who follow the intelligent design movement know that such skepticism has been around for quite some time.

Archaeopteryx isn't the only evolutionary icon losing its claim as the ancestor of birds. In recent months we've seen paleontologists increasingly arguing that the entire clade of dinosaurs should no longer be considered ancestral to birds. As the WSJ article states:There are lingering doubts that birds today are descendants of dinosaurs.

Researchers at Oregon State University recently argued that the distinctive anatomy that gives birds the lung capacity needed for flight means it is unlikely that birds descended from dinosaurs like archaeopteryx and its kin. Their findings were published in June in the Journal of Morphology. As paleontologist John Ruben of Oregon State was quoted saying when his article was published: But old theories die hard, Ruben said, especially when it comes to some of the most distinctive and romanticized animal species in world history.

"Frankly, there's a lot of museum politics involved in this, a lot of careers committed to a particular point of view even if new scientific evidence raises questions," Ruben said. In some museum displays, he said, the birds-descended-from-dinosaurs evolutionary theory has been portrayed as a largely accepted fact, with an asterisk pointing out in small type that "some scientists disagree."

"Our work at OSU used to be pretty much the only asterisk they were talking about," Ruben said. "But now there are more asterisks all the time. That's part of the process of science" ("Discovery Raises New Doubts About Dinosaur-bird Links,"

ScienceDaily, June 9, 2009).

The above article was taken from an email sent by The Berean Call

Let us end this article with yet another LIVING WATERS production,


Other Links of Interest -

Genetic Engineers Unwind Species Barrier -
Definitions of 'Evolution' - SIU Department of Zoology
Peer-Reviewed & Peer-Edited Scientific Publications Supporting The Theory Of Intelligent Design - The Discovery Institute
November 30th ID v. Evolution Debate - Beverly Hills - The Discovery Institute
Studies On Creation and Evolution - Koinonia House

Monday, October 19, 2009

E.T. = ExtraterrestrialTerrorists? - Part - IV - Final Segment

UPDATE: 9/28/11 To learn more about how these supposed extraterrestrial/extra dimensional beings are fitting into and even molding the shape of this new world order that is upon us, please watch this film: Age of Deceit video for this 2.5 hr. video (Note: This author does not necessarily agree with everything on this video).

ALSO - For any who believe that they have been the victim of such 'alien abductions' and want this nightmarish horror to end, please know that there IS HOPE! Review the pertinent information found here on this web site: CE4 Research Group
~~ end of Update

UPDATE 5-06-11: One World Religion, UFO's and The Evolution Connection Brannon Howse addresses these issues in this video and interviews Gary Bates, author of the book ALIEN INTRUSION. Also see the following book review on The RED PILL CONSORTIUM - Reviewing ALIEN INTRUSION: by Gary Bates (part 1).
~~end of Update

UPDATE 11-28-10: Before proceeding with this last segment, I want to include an update with this article including multiple video that pertains to the "Nephilim", alien abductions and our prophetic future. 
~~end of Update.

Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger, General Douglas MacArthur: all three men suggested the idea that an "outside threat" could stand to unify the people of the Earth in an act of global solidarity against a common enemy.

Monday, August 17, 2009

E.T.= Extraterrestrial TERRORISTS? Part III

As I continue this three part series on this rather controversial subject and you, the reader have persevered in reading these articles, let me commend you for your open mind; at the same time let me strongly caution you that the singular source for truth is, as its always been, the Holy Word of God. Information contained in these articles cannot be received by dutiful students of the Word unless there is substantiation contained therein.

Since the Bible does in fact describe the last days as a time of unprecedented deception, even delusion (2 THESS 2:10-13), we can look at this material in that light and understand that there is a satanic agenda to sabotage the scriptures as the source of Truth: to contradict its tenets with such powerful experiences, both personal
and public, that people would believe the lies of this incredible global phenomenon.

So, for any of you still willing to come along, grab your tin foil hats, and follow me (that was a joke by the way... my hat is made of aluminum foil!)! 

What we do know of our distant past, and what the Bible alludes to in our coming future has pretty much been covered in Part I and Part II, so if you're reading this for the first time, please refer to these earlier posts by the same title (E.T. = Extraterrestrial Terrorists?).

Friday, August 14, 2009

From The Mind of Fire: A Different Sermon On Another 'Mount'

Due to the importance of this exhortation, I decided to cross reference this article from my other blog, and post it here, as this site has a different readership.

Those of us who have taken the RED PILL and know the TRUTH behind so many common, prevailing deceptions can become easily discouraged when we see "the wicked prosper"; and the unknowing, who label us as 'conspiracy theorists' can also become disheartening.

I pray that this encourages you abundantly!

brother James Fire

From The Mind of Fire: A Different Sermon On Another 'Mount'
Aug 14, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009


This version of the article in this series has been updated (as of 8-09-13) and revised due to web links that have been outdated or broken. 

I've received some criticisms for posting that first article, it being stated that such things are a waste of time when there are so many far more important things that needs doing! Like the saving of souls, and maturing in Christ, and warning others of the LORD's soon return. 

I sincerely agree with all of these issues, that they are most important, and I do engage in these vital commissions, and intend on doing more of the same. 

So why am I persisting in these articles? As stated previously, we are living in incredible days, and they are about to get far more incredible-er (hey, it’s my blog, I can make up words if I wanna)! 

When the LORD Jesus was asked by His disciples when He would be returning, and when would the end of the world come, He answered quite thoroughly Matthew 24 and Mark 13 (Luke 21); one thing He stated over again three different times:

"Take heed that no one deceive you." Deception of all sorts will run rampant in the last days; and so it is, of all kinds and varieties.

We already discussed that cryptic passage in Daniel ch. 2, and how the mysterious "they" would "mingle" (literally 'to braid') with "the seed (genetics) of men". The "they" would of course have to be something other than the seed of mankind itself. What other options are there?

Monday, July 27, 2009

E.T. = Extraterrestrial Terrorists? Part I

(note: due to the enormity of information on this subject and the amount of coverage I desire to address, this will more than likely be covered in a series of articles.)

U.F.O.'s and E.B.E.'s (extraterrestrial biologic entities). Are they real or contrived? Are they within the scope of reality or merely wishful thinking? If such beings do exist elsewhere in the universe, what are they like, what are their interests in us and our world, and why would they be visiting planet Earth? Are they benevolent, or inimical to the human race, or perhaps some of both?

We as the people of Earth have asked such questions for a very long time. I believe we are approaching a day - soon to come - in which we will have these answers, but I'm also convinced that they will lead to a grand deception of epic proportions!

I believe that we are living in incredible days; the future holds such events that we quite frankly wouldn't believe if we were told about them in advance.

Review of the film SKYLINE - A Biblical Perspective

SKYLINE (rated PG-13)appears in this pre-holiday season with promises of suspense, thrills and chills and seems to strive to deliver, but falls short. On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd give it a 6.5.

There have been scores of alien films to date, and with many more in the mix,
The same sort of plot was superbly captured by Spielberg's The War of the Worlds with its high dose of psychological tension; SKYLINE has its white-knuckled moments, but they aren't sustained, and much of the film falls flat with a lack of much action (other than running away from the aliens). It has a 'Cloverland' feel to it, but with the J.J. Abrams film there is a far better raw-nerved edge to it. Some of the visual aspects reminded me of Transformers as well.

I do feel that the actors, primarily the main characters who play husband and wife Jarrod (Eric Balfour), and Elaine (Scottie Thompson) performed reasonably well, there just wasn't enough script content to strike the audience with good story telling or for these actors to flex their muscles much (of them all, I liked Scottie Thompson's performance the best).

Perhaps if there was a secondary pair of main characters who were soldiers fighting the aliens, and there could have been some scene-cutting back and forth between the civilian and military perspectives, perhaps this would have alleviated some of the monotony.
So, the movie begins:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bob Basso's 'Thomas Paine' Patriotic Speeches

We have seen these videos for some time now, and a good word is always worth repeating, and so we shall repeat it here in this entry of

The RED PILL Consortium - - -

Its always wise to remember 2 Chronicles 7:14, to afflict our souls and not merely our mortal frames, to seek God and ask Him to turn this nation back around from its course of self-destruction, and turn to Him the Author of Life.

And it's true that we can do anything after we have prayed, but can do nothing until we have prayed. Being endowed by the Holy Spirit we can be led to right actions, and empowered to carry them out.

And please . . . feel free to copy and paste these presentations to your email and send them out to every one you know!

Friday, July 10, 2009

POPULATION CONTROL Revisited- The Goblins Historical Justification And Future Plans

Greetings All!

I received this article in an email from The Berean Call
, which they copied from the Crossroads web site, and the article itself was written by Dr. Dennis Cuddy.

Since this article touched on some articles I've posted in the R.P.C. I thought it would be good to include this here.

UPDATE: (as of 6-27-10) Fluoride, Aspartame and Population Control -
see this clip on youtube:
(end of update)

This relates to the following articles in the R.P.C.:
This Is NOT King Arthur's Round Table, parts I and II

POPULATION CONTROL: Something From Our Past Or Coming To Our Future


Eugenics [Excerpts] The term "eugenics" was first used in 1883 by Francis Galton, Darwin's half cousin. In 1871, Darwin authored the racist book The Descent of man and Selection in Relation to Sex saying that "the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world."

This followed the principle of "survival of the fittest" coined by Herbert Spencer in 1864 after reading Darwin's 1959 book, The Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection for the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life (four years after Arthur Gobineau's An Essay on the Inequality of the Races). For humans, this principle expressed itself in Social Darwinism.

Thus, during the 1870s, Oxford lecturer John Ruskin would instill in his students, like Cecil Rhodes, the concept that they were "the best northern blood" and should rule the world. Rhodes scholarships were not only given to students from America and Commonwealth nations, but also to those from Germany beginning in the very early 1900s. Germans at this time were also being conditioned to see historical progression in terms of "blood and land," a sort of Teutonic knighthood descended from the Aryans.

In 1914, Madame Blavatsky's Aryan doctrine had spread through Germany and Austria, and it was from her writings that a young Adolph Hitler learned the meaning of the Aryan swastika. By this time, eugenics was a growing international movement with the first International Congress of Eugenics held in 1912 with:

-Vice-Presidents Winston Churchill
-Alexander Graham Bell
-Skull & Bones member Gifford Pinchot
and former Harvard University president
-Charles Eliot.

In this same year, eugenics proponent Woodrow Wilson signed into law a brutal sterilization act, and the next year eugenics adherent Theodore Roosevelt wrote of the need to improve "racial qualities." Calvin Coolidge wrote similarly in "Whose Country Is This?" (Good Housekeeping, February 1921), after Arthur Calhoun in Volume 3 of his widely used textbook A Social History of the American Family (1919) explained that "in the new social order, extreme emphasis is sure to be placed upon eugenic procreation."

Men of wealth like Andrew Carnegie and the Rockefellers played an important part in funding the eugenics movement....It was during this time of the early 20th Century that Rockefeller introduced Margaret Sanger to the monied elite who would help her form the Birth Control League which would later become Planned Parenthood.

The November 1921 issue of Sanger's Birth Control Review carried the heading "Birth Control: To Create A Race of Thoroughbreds," and Sanger would later advocate eugenically limiting "dysgenic stocks" such as blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics, as well as "slum dwellers" such as Jewish immigrants.

Across the nation during the 1930s, state legislatures (eventually 38) enacted sterilization laws regarding the "feeble-minded." Also during this time, Franklin Roosevelt became president, and in Christopher Thorne's Allies of a Kind (1978) one finds: "Subjects to do with breeding and race seem, indeed, to have held a certain fascination for the president.... Roosevelt felt it in order to talk, jokingly, of dealing with Puerto Rico's excessive birth rate by employing, in his own words, 'the methods which Hitler used effectively' [to make them] sterile."

In the April 1933 edition of Margaret Sanger's Birth Control Review, Dr. Ernst Rudin of Hitler's Nazi Third Reich wrote Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need."

Also, for your consideration, please watch these video clips from the film presentation "END GAMES":

Excerpts from ENDGAME: Eugenics

It must be restated that in any nation thats being overtaken by socialist/communist regimes, one of the first texts of indoctrination they use to program these future citizens of socialism is not Karl Marx's work, but rather Darwin's.

The idea that there is no God, that the ultimate authority is and must be the State, is inherent to the ideals of evolution; since the State represents the strongest power, it ensures its own survival by instilling such principles and beliefs into its population, which in turn will be downsized to make them more managable.

While I received some criticisms linking the theory of evolution as justification for population control, it would seem that the connection is apparent in both the article above and in the links below:

David Rockefeller speaks about population control.

History Channel Admits Rockefeller Population Control Agenda

ENDGAME - Eugenics/ Population Control - Pt. 1/5

ENDGAME - Eugenics/ Population Control - Pt. 2/5

ENDGAME - Eugenics/ Population Control - Pt. 3/5

ENDGAME - Eugenics/ Population Control - Pt. 4/5

ENDGAME - Eugenics/ Population Control - Pt. 5/5

Population Control: The Eugenics Connection - Part 1

Lastly, there has been a most effective use of certain technology in devestating the population of Third World nations, killing off hundreds of thousands, if not millions of human beings: what is this technology?

A.I.D.S.! An unnatural virus that couldn't possibly exist in nature, but was created in a laboratory via genetic recombinant engineering.


For more on this, find and read a copy of Dr. Leonard Horowitz's book:



Watch this short video clip that demonstrates the clear view of one of our Supreme Court Justices regarding birth and population control:

Congressman Exposes Eugenics Program on House F...

Also, how will the up coming National Health Care System (NHCS) be effected by proposed 'eugenics-style' genetic profiling? Watch the following clip from Glenn Beck for an interesting (if not shocking) perspective on this vital issue that involves OUR FAMILIES!

UPDATE On POPULATION Control 8-03-09

Think that such notions of population (not merely birth) control in our 'free' nation is far-fetched and too barbaric to be taken seriously?
Then you need to read this article about John Holdren, presidential advisor to Obama.

Obama's Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, ...