Saturday, October 15, 2022

TWELVE MINUTE TEACHINGS of TRUTH – The Christian and The Occult - Pt. 5 of 5

TODAY's Teaching #5 – Spiritual Warfare in the 21st Century - 10/15/2022

Five twelve-minute teachings (60 minutes total) on the dangers of the occult and related subjects:

Here are all five of the Facebook videos:

Teaching #1 – The Dangers of the Occult - 10/11/2022

Teaching #2 – Christians Should Abstain from Halloween - 10/12/2022

Teaching #3 – Divination, Witchcraft and Nature Worship - 10/13/2022

Teaching #4 – Demonic Influences on Sinners and Saints - 10/14/2022

Teaching #5 – Spiritual Warfare in the 21st Century - 10/15/2022

And here are all the prior RED PILL teachings on this subject matter:

THIS WILL LIKELY BE A 25 Minute, not a 12 Minute Teaching

Ask ten Christians what spiritual warfare is, and you will probably get 10 different answers – maybe even eleven? After studying Scripture for a few decades, I’ve come up with my own, and it probably resembles most others:

Friday, October 14, 2022

TWELVE MINUTE TEACHINGS of TRUTH – The Christian and The Occult - Pt. 4

TODAY's Teaching #4 – Demonic Influences on Sinners and Saints - 10/14/2022

Five twelve-minute teachings (60 minutes total) on the dangers of the occult and related subjects:

Here are the Facebook videos:

Teaching #1 – The Dangers of the Occult - 10/11/2022

Teaching #2 – Christians Should Abstain fromHalloween - 10/12/2022

Teaching #3 – Divination, Witchcraft and NatureWorship - 10/13/2022

TODAY's Teaching #4 – Demonic Influences on Sinners and Saints - 10/14/2022

Teaching #5 – Spiritual Warfare in the 21st Century - 10/15/2022

Thursday, October 13, 2022

TWELVE MINUTE TEACHINGS of TRUTH – The Christian and The Occult: Pt. 3

Teaching #3 – Divination, Witchcraft and Nature Worship - 10/13/2022

Five twelve-minute teachings (60 minutes total) on the dangers of the occult and related subjects:

Here are the Facebook videos:

Teaching #1 – The Dangers of the Occult - 10/11/2022

Teaching #2 – Christians Should Abstain fromHalloween - 10/12/2022

Teaching #3 – Divination, Witchcraft and NatureWorship - 10/13/2022

Teaching #4 – Demonic Influences on Sinners and Saints - 10/14/2022

Teaching #5 – Spiritual Warfare in the 21st Century - 10/15/2022

Teaching #3 – Divination, Witchcraft and Nature Worship

What is divination, or the act of divining? It’s a practice of any varieties that attempt to prognosticate, that is, to either tell the future, or obtain information not otherwise available through one’s natural senses.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

TWELVE MINUTE TEACHINGS of TRUTH – The Christian and The Occult: Pt. 2

Teaching #2 – Why Christians Should Abstain from Halloween.

Check out THROUGH The BLACK YouTube channel and their discussion of Halloween (Samhain) at the end of this article!

Five twelve-minute teachings (60 minutes total) on the dangers of the occult and related subjects:

Teaching #3 – Divination, Witchcraft and Nature Worship - 10/13/2022
Teaching #4 – Demonic Influences on Sinners and Saints - 10/14/2022
Teaching #5 – Spiritual Warfare in the 21st Century - 10/15/2022

Why is it that Christians should have nothing to do with Halloween? The short answer is that as children of GOD, we’re to have nothing to do with darkness. Halloween is the traditional Celtic Day of the Dead – it’s when the sunlight began to decrease (Fall Equinox) and the days grew shorter, the nights grew longer. Winter came quick and all nature seemed to go to sleep – or die, only to “spring” back to life after winter (every pun intended).

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

TWELVE MINUTE TEACHINGS of TRUTH – The Christian and The Occult: Pt. 1 - Five teachings on the dangers of the occult

TWELVE MINUTE TEACHINGS of TRUTH – The Christian and The Occult

Five twelve-minute teachings (60 minutes total) on the dangers of the occult and related subjects in these Facebook videos:

Teaching #1The Dangers of the Occult - 10/11/2022

Teaching #2Christians Should Abstain from Halloween - 10/12/2022

Teaching #3Divination, Witchcraft and Nature Worship - 10/13/2022

Teaching #4Demonic Influences on Sinners and Saints - 10/14/2022

Teaching #5Spiritual Warfare in the 21st Century - 10/15/2022

Teaching #1 – The Dangers of the Occult

The word “occult” means hidden, that is, a secret. This divides people into two groups: those who know the secret and those who don’t.