Friday, November 4, 2011

DINOSAURS and the BIBLE - 2.5 hr Seminar by Kent Hovind

Just a short post to let you know that I have a new link under PONDERINGS from Fellow RED PILL Poppers that brings you to a seminar by Kent Hovind, an awesome presentation. I will post it here as well for your consideration: well worth the time!


Also for your consideration, another link you will find is to The EVOLUTION Handbook. God bless you as He leads you into the TRUTH of His Word!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The BROTHERHOOD of DARKNESS – Concluding Article

In this concluding article, we bring everything to a close, and arrive at the end of this journey that Dr. Stan Monteith has led us on; a startling conclusion that anyone who is unaware of the true ruler of this world system and how he operates would find unbelievable.

Those who investigate and research conspiracies all have their own convictions as to who the guilty culprit is; some focus on the Council on Foreign Relations, others suspect the International Bankers, and others still The Theosophical Society.

Yet who is really the one organization and, or the group of people responsible for the global situation we find ourselves in today? The rather unique aspect of the story of The Murder on the Orient Express is that rather than tracking down the sole killer, Inspector Poirot found himself coming to the startling conclusion that it wasn’t a lone murderer he was after, but several. In fact, every suspect that he had in mind as the potential killer of Daisy Armstrong had a hand in executing Mr. Ratchet a.k.a. Crosetti, her murderer.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Review of Dr. Stan Monteith's Brotherhood of Darkness - Part 6b

Up until now there has been much exposure in these articles on esoteric and somewhat amorphous organizations and societies whose presence in 'the real world' is somewhat murky; however the following elements in this article are very visible and discernible.

In this article, we will be looking at the forces of Communism, Socialism, Secular Humanism, and various Tax-Exempt Foundations, all of which are geared towards globalism. We must keep in mind that the very idea of globalism in this fallen world is a concept and goal that is for the most part, highly occultic and satanic in its inspiration.

The world attempted to become 'global' at the Tower of Babel, yet God interfered and disrupted this endeavor - unless there was evil intent and plans at this Tower, why then would God disband humanity and establish segregation via multiple languages?

It's interesting that IBM ran an advertisement some years ago showing an illustration of the archaic Tower of Babel, but further up, this structure was transformed into a sophisticated communications array, with an accompanying caption that read "We are undoing the Babel Effect".