As I continue this three part series on this rather controversial subject and you, the reader have persevered in reading these articles, let me commend you for your open mind; at the same time let me strongly caution you that the singular source for truth is, as its always been, the Holy Word of God. Information contained in these articles cannot be received by dutiful students of the Word unless there is substantiation contained therein.
Since the Bible does in fact describe the last days as a time of unprecedented deception, even delusion (2 THESS 2:10-13), we can look at this material in that light and understand that there is a satanic agenda to sabotage the scriptures as the source of Truth: to contradict its tenets with such powerful experiences, both personal
and public, that people would believe the lies of this incredible global phenomenon.
So, for any of you still willing to come along, grab your tin foil hats, and follow me (that was a joke by the way... my hat is made of aluminum foil!)!
What we do know of our distant past, and what the Bible alludes to in our coming future has pretty much been covered in Part I and Part II, so if you're reading this for the first time, please refer to these earlier posts by the same title (E.T. = Extraterrestrial Terrorists?).