Marvel Studios, now owned by Disney hit pay dirt once again with the sequel to Captain America: The First Avenger, which by all accounts was enthusiastically received nearly as, if not just as much as The Avengers film.
Admittedly I enjoyed the film very much myself. In my opinion The Winter Soldier was even better than the first in many ways, and comparable to the raving success of the Marvel Hero team-up of The Avengers. I was stunned however when I watched a few scenes play out where such ideas as a new world order, order from chaos, conditioning people to willingly surrender their freedoms, etc. So much so that I felt I needed to address these remarkable statements – hence this article. We have two sections presented here today, the Movie Review is part one; the Analysis of Key Points is the second.
So let's dim the lights, watch the cinematically wide-screened story, and witness the unfolding of this film . . .