* For more on The Secret, and its New Age teaching look here.
The Secret
was given to author Rhonda Byrne by spirit guides known as The Abraham Group!
These are none other than the Doctrines of Demons! 1 TIM. 4:1.
“Among the speakers were John Assaraf, Lisa Nichols and
Michael Bernard Beckwith all three of whom were featured teachers in The Secret movie. Additionally Beckwith
is cofounder of the Association for
Global New Thought, and founder of the Agape
International Spiritual Center devoted to the study and practice New
Thought–Ancient Wisdom. He also teaches meditation and “scientific prayer”, has
appeared in Dalai Lama Renaissance, a
feature length documentary about the Dalai Lama and (of course) appeared on the
Oprah Winfrey Show.”
Blanchard’s proclivities and affection for apostate
philosophies isn’t limited to Byrne’s/Abraham Group’s work however! There are
many others that are listed below in this composite of corruption, such as
Robert Scheinfield’s The 11th
Printed on the inside flap of the cover we read:
“Your success is shaped by a powerful set of unseen forces that are rarely
discussed. The 11th Element shows you
how to tap into those forces–commonly mistaken for luck–to open an avalanche of
new potential and prosperity in your life.”
Yet, Ken Blanchard, who claims to be a follower of Jesus,
has this to say about the book:
"The 11th Element
teaches you the valuable skill of asking for assistance from your ‘Inner CEO’
to improve your decision making. Napoleon Hill explored this principle in Think and Grow Rich, and Scheinfeld
takes it to a new level."
What Scheinfield called ‘unseen forces’ Blanchard refers to as ‘your Inner CEO’
or what New Agers commonly call ‘Your Inner Guide’ – it’s the very same form
and substance of demonic power and yet Blanchard is regarded as a Christian
leader who is teaching pastors and church leaders how to lead like JESUS?! Incredible deception!
Those unseen forces, aka unseen watchers, aka unseen
masters, aka The Great School of Masters are those spiritual entities well
known among occultists and especially Theosophists and pertain to that realm
known as The Shamballa which is
spoken of in complete and familiar fashion by Alice Bailey, Theosophist leader
and prolific author, who herself received her writings from a spirit guide,
Djwhal Khul (demonic power):
“Shamballa force - the force from the invisible dimensions
led by the Lord Maitreya - will be "destructive." It will also, she
said, eject unbelievers from the earth:
The decision to release the Shamballa force during
this century into direct contact with the human kingdom is one of the final and
most compelling acts of preparation for the New Age. The Shamballa force is
destructive and ejective ... inspiring new understanding of The Plan....It is
this force ... which will bring about that tremendous crisis, the initiation of
the race into the mysteries of the ages. (Alice Bailey, The Externalizing of the Mysteries, pt.1 p.171)
From The TRUTH Under FIRE article TTUF
Profile: A Look At Alice Bailey.
Maitreya, Sanat Kumara and Djwhal Khul are among these
Ascended Masters, this Great School of Masters; and yet Blanchard is endorsing
books written by people who speak of these entities via these alias names with
great favor; these beings that have channeled their knowledge through these willing
vessels. The Bible has a different designation for these entities and beings of
‘higher knowledge’: “principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high
places” (Eph. 6:12)!
Some other books Blanchard endorsed by New Agers:
What Would Buddha Do At Work – by
Franz Metcalf. Blanchard says: "Throughout this book, 'Buddha's insights
and words help us create a kinder and gentler workplace. Jesus would approve.
"Buddha points to the path and invites us to begin our
journey to enlightenment.... K.B."
Mind Like Water –
by Jim Ballard. Blanchard comments on his collaborative effort with Ballard:
“We begin all our writing sessions with prayer asking the Great Writer to help
get our egos out of the way.
“For their guidance and inspiration, I wish to acknowledge
the great line of masters; Jesus Christ, Bhagavan Krishna,
Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswas and Paramahansa
Yogananda. Jai gurus!”
Little Wave and Old
Swell - also written by Jim Ballard, endorsed by Deepak Chopra, with the
foreword written by Ken Blanchard, who says that over the more than thirty
years of their friendship, Jim Ballard and he have “been inspired and enriched”
from their separate spiritual journeys. Blanchard says that while he has been
“drawn to the feet of the Master of Galilee, Jim has followed the meditation
path taught by Paramahansa Yogananda, the great Indian teacher”.
He adds that “in a simple folktale-type allegory, he
(Ballard) uses Yogananda’s metaphor of human life as a wave that rises and falls
on the Ocean of God
as a means of addressing the most basic questions all of us ask”. Blanchard
"Some people might ask why a follower of Jesus is
writing the foreword for a book inspired by an Indian guru. The fact is,
Yogananda loved Jesus, and Jesus would have loved Yogananda.”
In the Sphere of
Silence – by Vijay Eswaran, Executive Chairman of the QI Group of Companies; this is a book on Vedic (Hindu) meditation,
which Blanchard claims in his endorsement: “is a wonderful guide on how to enter
the realm of silence and draw closer to God.”
The Hoffman Process
- Tim Laurence, the present director of The
Hoffman Institute. “The Hoffman Process brings forth spiritual leadership
in a person. It made my spirituality come alive. Through the Hoffman Process I
actually brought my faith into my daily actions.” Ken Blanchard.
He also happens to be a graduate of the Hoffman Quadrinity Process: “The Process itself uses a variety of
techniques, including visualization, bio-energetics, Gestalt exercises, journaling,
silent meditation, and group discussion” (Tim Lawrence; The Hoffman
Institute Director). All of this at the cost of only $3,600 per person; apparently
spirituality doesn’t come cheap! Incidentally, Blanchard also sits on their
Advisory Board.
Other endorsements of this book come from Sonia Choquette,
Margo Anand, and Joan Borysenka: all prolific and highly respected (among their
own circles) New Age teachers and practitioners.
The Corporate Mystic
– by Gay Hendricks, who also was the executive producer of the film Conversations with God. Blanchard
comments: “If you want to lead your enterprise into the twenty-first century,
read this powerful book”.
The 7 Spiritual Laws
of Success – by Deepak Chopra, himself a disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
founder of the Transcendental Meditation
Movement; endorsed by Ken Blanchard.
Death and Letting Go
– by Ellen Tadd and Ken Blanchard. Tadd is a clairvoyant and clairaudient,
regularly communicating with her spirit guides, which began after she was first
contacted by ‘her deceased mother’.
Here ends information about Ken Blanchard as copied
and gleaned from Carol Brooks’ article from www.inplainsite.org.
Here also ends the first of two parts of this last article on Ken Blanchard; part V of the series will be posted soon! Until then, remain rooted and grounded in the Word of Truth!